        This table contains all activities for a person.
CREATE TABLE #PersonActivity ( 
PersonID int ,
ActivityDate datetime ,
CONSTRAINT PK_Anniv_Person PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( PersonID , ActivityDate )
INSERT INTO #PersonActivity VALUES( 1 , '12/01/99' ); 
INSERT INTO #PersonActivity VALUES( 1 , '01/15/00' );
INSERT INTO #PersonActivity VALUES( 1 , '03/31/00' ); 
INSERT INTO #PersonActivity VALUES( 1 , '05/10/00' );
INSERT INTO #PersonActivity VALUES( 1 , '08/06/00' ); 
INSERT INTO #PersonActivity VALUES( 1 , '10/05/00' );

SELECT * FROM #PersonActivity ORDER BY ActivityDate;
PersonID    ActivityDate                                           
----------- ------------------------------------------------------ 
          1 1999-12-01 00:00:00.000
          1 2000-01-15 00:00:00.000
          1 2000-03-31 00:00:00.000
          1 2000-05-10 00:00:00.000
          1 2000-08-06 00:00:00.000
          1 2000-10-05 00:00:00.000
        Objective: Given the year value & Anniversary Date for a person , all
                   activities for the person within the anniversary date should be
                   obtained. The activity should fall between 365 days of 04/01 and
                   03/31 irrespective of the year.
        Solutions: Use the anniversary date & change the year to the Search Year value.
                   This will give the Start Date for the activity. Next add 365 / 366 days
                   from the start date as appropriate to get the End Date.
-- Search activities for year: 2000
DECLARE @AnniversaryDate datetime , @SearchYear smallint
SELECT @AnniversaryDate = '04/01/88' , @SearchYear = YEAR( CURRENT_TIMESTAMP )
SELECT * FROM #PersonActivity AS a
WHERE a.ActivityDate BETWEEN
        DATEADD( YEAR , @SearchYear - YEAR( @AnniversaryDate ) , @AnniversaryDate ) And
        -- Add 365 / 366 days based on non-leap or leap year respectively
        DATEADD( DAY , CASE WHEN ( @SearchYear % 400 = 0 ) Or
                                ( @SearchYear % 4 = 0 And @SearchYear % 100 <> 0 )
                                THEN 366        -- Leap year
                                ELSE 365        -- Normal year
                      END ,
                DATEADD( YEAR , @SearchYear - YEAR( @AnniversaryDate ) , @AnniversaryDate )
ORDER BY a.PersonID , a.ActivityDate;
PersonID    ActivityDate                                           
----------- ------------------------------------------------------ 
          1 2000-05-10 00:00:00.000
          1 2000-08-06 00:00:00.000
          1 2000-10-05 00:00:00.000

-- Search activities for year: 1999
SELECT * FROM #PersonActivity AS a
WHERE a.ActivityDate BETWEEN
        DATEADD( YEAR , @SearchYear - YEAR( @AnniversaryDate ) , @AnniversaryDate ) And
        -- Add 365 / 366 days based on non-leap or leap year respectively
        DATEADD( DAY , CASE WHEN ( @SearchYear % 400 = 0 ) Or
                                ( @SearchYear % 4 = 0 And @SearchYear % 100 <> 0 )
                                THEN 366        -- Leap year
                                ELSE 365        -- Normal year
                      END ,
                DATEADD( YEAR , @SearchYear - YEAR( @AnniversaryDate ) , @AnniversaryDate )
ORDER BY a.PersonID , a.ActivityDate;
PersonID    ActivityDate                                           
----------- ------------------------------------------------------ 
          1 1999-12-01 00:00:00.000
          1 2000-01-15 00:00:00.000
          1 2000-03-31 00:00:00.000
DROP TABLE #PersonActivity;
This page was last updated on May 01, 2006 04:28 PM.