DECLARE @pwd varchar(30) , @encryptkey int , @encryptedpwd varchar(30) , @charpos smallint;
SELECT @pwd = 'shiloh2000'  , @encryptedpwd = '' , @encryptkey = 24 , @charpos = 1
WHILE ( @charpos <= DATALENGTH( @pwd ) )
        SELECT @encryptedpwd = @encryptedpwd +
                                CHAR( ASCII( SUBSTRING( @pwd , @charpos , 1) ) ^ @encryptkey ) ,
                @charpos = @charpos + 1;
SELECT @pwd AS OriginalPwd , @encryptedpwd AS EncryptedPwd
-- Sample Output:
OriginalPwd                    EncryptedPwd                   
------------------------------ ------------------------------ 
shiloh2000                     kpqtwp*(((
        To decrypt , the same logic can be applied with the values of
        original password & encrypted password reversed. This is the 
        beauty of the XOR function. So you will use the encrypted 
        password for @pwd & get the decrypted password as:

EncryptedPwd                   OriginalPwd                   
------------------------------ ------------------------------
kpqtwp*(((                     shiloh2000                    

This page was last updated on May 01, 2006 04:28 PM.